Direct-Drive Fan Arrays

Bousquet fan arrays have rugged aluminum hubs and incremental AC motors. Electronically commutated motors (ECM) are also available as an option. Benefits include efficient operation, improved airflow distribution, easy installation and maintenance, a small footprint, and built-in redundancy. The fans can also be equipped with optional backdraft isolation dampers with no negative effects on air pressure drop or system operation.


  • Aluminum wall-mounted plenum fans
  • Six fan diameters (12″, 14″, 16″, 18″, 20″, 22″, and 24″)
  • 0.75 to 15 HP AC motor (including incremental HP motor)
  • Optional 3.5/4.7 kW EC motors (200–480 volts)
  • Statically and dynamically balanced with residual vibration of G1.0 (per ISO standard 1940)
  • Optional backdraft isolation dampers with negligible system effect
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